साफ़ साफ़
साफ़ साफ़
= BARELYउदाहरण : उसने उसे साफ़ साफ़ बता दिया कि वह नहीं जाना चाहती।Usage : they could barely hear the speaker
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= BLUNTLYUsage : He bluntly asked his friend to return the money.
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= BALDLYUsage : this book is, to put it baldly, an uneven work.
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= OUTRIGHTUsage : I am outright yours, completely, without any restrictions.
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= CLEARLYUsage : She clearly told him that she didn't want to go.
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= STRAIGHT OUTUsage : there were two doors; the one leading into the workshop was kept locked on the inside - the other led straight out into the passage.
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= NOTICEABLYUsage : dark lines are noticeable seen under her eyes.
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= CLEARUsage : investigation showed that he was in the clear
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= FLATLYUsage : His request for a loan was flatly rejected by the bank.
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= POINT BLANKUsage : I asked him point-blank whether he wanted the job
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= ROUNDLYUsage : She roundly told him she didn't want to go.
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= CLEANUsage : This product is used to clean dirty clothes and floors (as per manufacturer's instructions).
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= PLAINLYUsage : He plainly stated his intentions.
साफ साफ देखना = SEE A MILE OFFउदाहरण : उसे वो उज्ज्वल रंग देखकर साफ साफ देख सकते हैं कि वह भीड़ में है।Usage : With those bright colors, you can see her a mile off in a crowd.
साफ साफ कह देना = GIVE A PIECE OF MINDउदाहरण : शिक्षिका ने स्टूडेंट को जो इंस्ट्रक्शन्स नहीं मानता था, उसके लिए साफ़ साफ़ कह देना।Usage : The manager asked her to give a piece of mind about the project's progress.
साफ साफ दिखाई देना = STICK OUT A MILEउदाहरण : उसकी प्रतिभा और करिश्मा से वह हर समूह में साफ साफ दिखाई देती है।Usage : His bright red t-shirt sticks out a mile in the sea of black suits.